Psychology-Based Design Tips to Improve Website User Experience in 2019


Psychology plays an important role in designing the user experience. It is not about creating something that is beautiful but creating the best user experience, based on user facts every UX designer should know. If you are into UX design, most of the online consumers will abandon a site if the navigation experiences are not impressive. That speaks a thousand words about the significance of the value provided with the UX designer and why many design enthusiasts are opting it as a career choice in Web Design Agency

In this article, we will look into the 5 design tips based on the psychology that helps in improving the website user experience or you can say that making the most from your website today in 2019.

Colors And Fonts Induce Emotions

First, it is no secret that color psychology is used extensively in all aspects of designs. The color is an important element that conveys an important message to the users, whether it is a brand logo or a website design.

According to the scientists, when we view color, our eyes send a message to the region of the brain called the hypothalamus that further generate stimuli to the pituitary glands and the thyroid glands. They release hormones that cause fluctuation in our mood, emotion and as a result our behaviors.

They can be negative, positive or mismatched feelings depending upon which gender you belong, For instance, if your designing for women, purple is such color that can be liked by the women but disliked by men as purple is more for luxury, elegance, and femininity. Similarly, it applies to the fonts we used. An experiment shows that the people are more likely to believe in information if they are written in Baskerville, Arial or Georgia.  

Gestalt Principles Make Designs Coherent

Second, this is one of the fundamental principles that every web designer should consider when moving through the design process. Also, it becomes the dominant principle fundamentals of contemporary designs.

The principle is organized into 6 categories: Proximity, Symmetry, Similarity, Continuity, Closure, and Connectedness. The following categories can be described as under :

  1. Law of Symmetry- this law defines the objects which are placed in a manner to give a perfectly balanced mirror image when considered over a bisecting line.
  2. Law of Similarity- When the object looks similar, it helps in creating a connection. This effect can be used to create a single illustration, image or message from the series of separate elements. The similarity between different elements can be shape, color, texture or size.
  3. Proximity- Proximity uses the close arrangement of elements to create a group association between the objects.
  4. Continuity- It is based on the principle through which the eye is drawn along the path, line or curve preferring to see a single continuous figure than the separate lines.
  5. Figure and Ground – The principle behind the eye tendency is to see and separate the objects from the surrounding background.
  6. Closure – Closure is a common design technique that uses a human design tendency to see closed shapes even for open objects.

Visceral Brings Life To Design

Third, have you ever encountered with the website that you don’t want to leave because the website is highly attractive? This is because of the feeling called visceral reaction. A visceral reaction is an instinctive, gut-deep bodily response to a stimulus or experience. It is immediate and often beyond our control.

At the visceral level, physical features dominate like the look, sound, and feel. Acquiring a visceral reaction from your users that generates a positive behavioral reaction in them will help you gain their loyalty and support, which will in turn help develop a better image for your brand

Hicks Laws Minimize Decision Making

Fourth, Hicks law is a law governing the relationship between the number of choices present and individual reaction time to choose. This is based on simple fundamental that the more the number of choices are present, the longer it takes the user to choose.

The users who are given several choices have to take time to interpret and decide what to choose. The same goes for designing interfaces to your web design. Designers can use Hick’s Law to improve the efficiency of design, but only to a degree.

Hick’s Law is especially good when it comes to decisions that are simple (i.e pick A or B or C). However, the designers can apply the Hicks Law when designing control display, drop down menus, contact pages, sign up forms, button selection, and navigation menus.

There is one simple rule. The users arrive at your website with a specific goal. Hicks law helps the user to avoid all the unnecessary links, images, and buttons and find what they need and what they want from the pages. Therefore by using the Hicks Law, the designers can reduce the frustration of the user because the information they use has been presented in the most suitable and efficient form as possible.

Personalization Builds Connection

Fifth, nowadays personalization can make compelling customers where they can encourage to take action and come back again. Also, the businesses are more focused on customizing relations with clients. If it is individualized then only the customers feel more connected to your product or content. It is what may be helpful for analyzing what your facebook page fan is actually liking, commenting and sharing despite your own content. Many say that they don’t feel connected as the leading brands don’t care about them whereas with more personalized data the more will be a deeper brand relationship with the customer.


Thus, psychology knowledge helps to create a design that will make the users perform the actions which will expect to make them purchase or contacting for the required services. Today the tendency of a user-centered Web Design Company makes designers reconsider the approach of their work and go deeper into the understanding of the target audience. This helps in considering psychology to play an important role in your design to help to fulfill your business goals and strengthening of user relations.


Ravi Sharma is the Co-Founder & CEO of Webomaze. He is a young entrepreneur helping various businesses worldwide to have a better online presence through a great website, mobile app and strategic digital marketing. He is a traveler and loves to explore new places.